The city of Aghajari, also known as Aghajari-e Zeydün, is the capital of Aghajari County. Situated close to the Persian Gulf, sometimes referred to as the Basra Gulf, the city has been an important settlement throughout history due to the rich oil resources nearby. Although it is not as popular as it once was, the city still has underground and above ground resources, making it standout as a destination. During the Iran-Iraq war more than half of the city migrated to the capital Tehran and other regions, which negatively affected the city’s development.
Even though the population continued to increase in the subsequent years, it is still much less compared to 1986. The region generally features a continental climate. Summers are hot and winters are cool. Spring and autumn are generally rainy. If you plan on visiting during this time, make sure to pack for rain. From the city’s airport you can reach nearby cities in the region and the capital Tehran.